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President Hu's Remarks on Human Rights

来源 作者: 时间:2011-01-20 Tag:interpretation     点击: 114432

Journalist: President Hu, first of all my colleague asked you a question about human rights which you did not answer. I was wondering if you’d give an answer to that question and then also on Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader(多数党领导人) Harry Reid, Housekeeper(内务处理人) John Banner are not attending tonight’s state dinner. Many on Capitol Hill see China is an economic threat. What can you do to allay(减轻) their fears?

Hu: ……
Interpreter: President Obama and I have already met for eight times. Each time we met we had an in-depth(深入的) exchange of views in a candid manner on issues of shared interest and on issues to our each other’s concern. And on issues we have covered, we also discussed human rights.

Hu: 中国始终致力于保护和促进人权,中国的人权事业取得了举世公认的显著成就。
Interpreter: China is always committed to(致力于) the protection and promotion of human rights. And in the course of human rights, China has also made enormous progress recognized widely in the world.

Hu: 中国承认并且尊重人权的普遍性原理,但同时我们也认为,人权的普遍性原则必须与各国的国情相结合。
Interpreter: China recognizes and also respects the universality of human rights, and at the same time we do believe that we also need to take into account the different national circumstances when you comes(口误,该为come) to the universal value of human rights.

Hu: 作为一个人口众多,正处在改革进程当中的发展中国家来讲,中国的经济社会发展还面临着很多挑战,发展人权事业还有很多工作要做。
Interpreter: China is a developing country with a huge population and also a developing country in the crucial(紧要关头的) stage of reform. In this context, China still faces many challenges in economic and social development, and a lot still needs to be done in China in terms of human rights.

Hu: 我们将继续提高人民的生活水平,推进民主法制建设。我们也愿意继续同各国开展交流对话,相互借鉴有益的做法。
Interpreter: We will continue our efforts to improve lives(此处或该为life) of the Chinese people, and we will continue our efforts to promote democracy and the rule of law in our country. At the same time we are also willing to continue to have exchanges and dialogue with other countries in terms of human rights, and we are also willing to learn from each other in terms of the good practices.

Hu: 正像奥巴马总统所讲的,虽然中美在人权问题上有分歧,但中方愿意同美方在相互尊重、互不干涉内政的基础上就人权问题开展对话、交流,以加深了解,扩大共识,减少分歧。
Interpreter: As President Obama rightly put it just now, though there are disagreements between China and the United States on the issue of human rights, China is willing to engage in dialogue and exchanges with the United States on the basis of mutual respect and the principle of non-interference in each other’s internal(内部的) affairs. In this way we’ll be able to further increase our mutual understanding, reduce our disagreements and expand our common ground.

Hu: 至于你刚才讲的,有的议员先生不打算参加今晚的宴会,是不是参加以及出于什么原因,我想你应该去问他(奥巴马)。
Interpreter: As for the latter question about the attendance of the state dinner by some congress people, as for who will attend, who will not attend, and for what reasons, I think President Obama is certainly in the better position to answer that question.

注:Capitol Hill指美国国会山,白宫所在地。

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