Angry Birds Quotes
[from trailer]
Bird Salesman: Hey Red, how are you?
Red: [cheerfully] Oh, I'm horrible!
[from trailer]
Matilda: We're gonna be working on managing our anger through movement.
Chuck: Eagle, heron, peacock, warrior, mountain, tree, rabbit, fish, locust, king pigeon, and of course, downward duck.
Red: Yuck!
[from trailer]
Bomb: Sometimes, when I get upset, I have been known to blow up.
[Bomb walks into his house]
Birds: Surprise!
Bomb: Ahh!
[He and his house explodes]
Bomb: Oh, excuse me, party foul.
Stella: [fell over] Ow!
[from trailer]
Leonard: Greetings! I am a pig.
Chuck: [whispering to Red] What's a pig?
[the escalator suddenly stops]
Leonard: Unbelievable.
Ross: Not working, not working.
[He hits a button with his head which makes the escalator go in reverse]
Leonard: Oh, where we're going.
Ross: Not working.
Leonard: We practiced this a hundred times.
Ross: Oh, man.
Leonard: Give it to me.
Ross: [sighs]
Leonard: [to the birds] We're gonna come in again.