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[joke] Waiters
Diner: Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup! Waiter: Don't worry, Sir, it's not that hot! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb ove...
作者:发表于:2008-12-22 11:33:07 点击:74749 查阅全文...
[cartoon] Flow Charts
作者:发表于:2008-12-22 09:25:58 点击:90720 查阅全文...
[joke] Advertisers -2
A young woman, several months pregnant, boarded a bus and sat opposite a young man, he smiled, and feeling embarrassed she changed her seat. But it was to no avail (没用), for the young man smiled even more broadly when she sat down. Again she moved ...
作者:发表于:2008-12-07 05:14:08 点击:122144 查阅全文...
[joke] Advertisers
After watching sales falling off for three straight months at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Colonel calls up the Pope and asks for a favor. The Pope says, "What can I do?" The Colonel says, "I need you to change the daily prayer from, 'G...
作者:发表于:2008-12-07 02:14:36 点击:84642 查阅全文...
[joke] Accountants
An accountant visited the Natural History museum. While standing near the dinosaur he said to his neighbor: "This dinosaur is two billion years and ten months old". "Where did you get this exact information?" "I was here ten...
作者:发表于:2008-12-07 02:11:36 点击:94481 查阅全文...
[cartoon] Work -2
flowchart 流程图 ...
作者:发表于:2008-12-07 01:44:03 点击:236244 查阅全文...
[cartoon] Work -1
dodge: 躲开 up the creek 或 up the creek without a paddle 【非正式用语】 In a difficult, unfortunate, or inextricable position. 遭遇困难,处于困境:处于困难的、不幸的或困窘的境况...
作者:发表于:2008-12-07 01:36:13 点击:216423 查阅全文...
[cartoon] Dec. 6
Posted by Jessica on December 5th Are you on the nice list? Posted by Jessica on December 4th Might as well own this meltdown. Posted by Jessica on December 3rd La...
作者:发表于:2008-12-07 00:07:14 点击:76810 查阅全文...