搜索 "the day you went away A A" 的结果
An Album of Presidents and Their Children -1

George Washington America's first President had no biological children, but he became stepfather to the two children of the widow Martha Custis when he married her in 1759: John \\\\\\\"Jacky\\\\\\\" Parke Custis, left in the c. 1761 illustratio...

/content/html/photo/200901/08-252.html 类别: 图文 点击: 6274 日期: 2009-01-08
10 Technologies That Will Transform Your Life

Predictions are risky, especially when they concern the future. That said, there are technologies being tinkered with right now that could transform your life - if and when they are brought to full expression. - Lamont Wood Credit: St...

/content/html/photo/200901/04-245.html 类别: 图文 点击: 983 日期: 2009-01-05
Top 10 Amazing Facts About Your Heart

Matters of the heart have baffled humans since the dawn of time, with sonnets and entire books devoted to the meaning of love. Now scientists are finding that the blood pump in your chest is just as complex. You can't live or love without it. Find o...

/content/html/photo/200901/04-244.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1391 日期: 2009-01-04
5 Tips: How to Keep Your New Year´s Resolution

Livescience Staff livescience.com – Wed Dec 31, 2:54 pm ET Whatever you resolve to do differently in 2009, vow also to develop a strategy to make it happen. Otherwise, expect failure. So says John O'Neill, director of Addiction Services...

/content/html/news/200901/04-243.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1933 日期: 2009-01-05
Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Ways to Stay Employed

Recent news about the economy and the job market hasn't been encouraging. Companies are taking a much closer look at their operating expenses, especially their payrolls (薪水册;薪金总额). Writer Stephen Viscusi asserts that in this atmosphere, \\\\\\\"...

/content/html/Articles/200812/30-234.html 类别: 美文 点击: 758 日期: 2008-12-30
You Need Good Listening Skills

Now PayAttention Here's Why You Need Good Listening Skills By Dawn Rosenberg McKay, About.com Several years back there was a public service announcement that ran on television. It talked about the importance of good listening skills and th...

/content/html/Articles/200812/30-232.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1645 日期: 2008-12-30
Give Yourself the Competitive Edge

The Skills You Need to Be Competitive in Today's Workplace By Dawn Rosenberg McKay, About.com To be competitive in today's work place you must be able to: Listen Well: Good listening skills make you more productive, help y...

/content/html/Articles/200812/30-231.html 类别: 美文 点击: 955 日期: 2008-12-30
Fallout begins after dismal holiday season

'The downturn has been catastrophic,' according to one retail analyst updated 6:40 p.m. ET Dec. 29, 2008 NEW YORK - The fallout from the horrific holiday season for retailers has begun, with the operator of an online toy seller f...

/content/html/news/200812/30-230.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 774 日期: 2008-12-30
Holiday season magnifies shoppers´ frugality

By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO, AP Retail Writer Anne D'innocenzio, Ap Retail Writer Dec. 25 ,2008 NEW YORK – After limping through a holiday season expected to be the worst in decades, the nation's stores made it to Christmas with little to celebra...

/content/html/news/200812/25-219.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 535 日期: 2008-12-25
Dow rises 48.99 points in light holiday trading

By MADLEN READ, AP Business Writer Madlen Read, Ap Business Writer Dec. 25, 2008 NEW YORK – Wall Street rose modestly in light holiday trading Wednesday after the government released downbeat, but unsurprising, readings on rising U.S. jobless...

/content/html/news/200812/25-218.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 495 日期: 2008-12-25
US sees no holiday cheer; Russia, China warn of grim 2009

US sees no holiday cheer; Russia, China warn of grim (严酷的) 2009 Wed Dec 24, 4:11 pm ET WASHINGTON (AFP) – US data Wednesday offered few signs of recovery from the economic malaise (一种普遍的不安或压抑情绪) while Russia and Chin...

/content/html/news/200812/25-216.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 523 日期: 2008-12-25
Google Hands Out Phones, Not Cash, as Holiday Bonus

今年过节不发钱,他们高兴么?保住工作就很不错了。知足常乐哈。 Tue Dec 23, 1:43 pm ET While Internet search giant Google handed out cash to employees last year, the company is scaling back and giving its workers a different kind of gift this holiday s...

/content/html/news/200812/24-202.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 724 日期: 2008-12-24
Reuters Images of the Year

Wed Dec 3, 9:39 PM ET RNPS IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2008 Buddy, a jack russell(杰克·拉瑟短腿狗) terrier, barks as he rides a wave in the small dog heat during the 3rd annual Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon held by the Helen Woodward Anima...

/content/html/photo/200812/23-200.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1058 日期: 2008-12-23
Widespread winter blast strands holiday travelers

小编17日的机票,16日下午已经下起了暴雪,能见度只有3米。速速出发到城里。幸亏晚上雪停了,凌晨小编的飞机顺利起飞了。回国以后听过之后的航班因为过于恶劣的气候,基本上都取消了。----幸运的小编 Widespread winter blast (强风) strands(使处于困境) holiday tr...

/content/html/news/200812/22-188.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 842 日期: 2008-12-22
5 Creepy Beach Sculptures To Scare Off Sunbathers

5 Creepy (恐怖的)Beach Sculptures To Scare Off Sunbathers For most people the beach is a place to relax, especially when visited as part or a holiday. It's a place to forget the worries of every day life, look out t...

/content/html/photo/200812/22-186.html 类别: 图文 点击: 3609 日期: 2008-12-22
15 Dangerous E-Mails You Should Delete Immediately - 1

Dangerous E-Mails You Should Delete Immediately 1 by Dan Reilly, posted Dec 7th 2008 at 2:18AM Yes, we know we've covered the biggest e-mail scams before, but criminals never stop coming up with new ways to mess you up via the Internet, so...

/content/html/Articles/200812/15-184.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1489 日期: 2008-12-15
15 Dangerous E-Mails You Should Delete Immediately -2

Dangerous E-Mails You Should Delete Immediately 8 by Dan Reilly, posted Dec 7th 2008 at 12:00AM Hurricane Charities Sadly, disasters encourage scammers to prey on the charitable. Naturally, recent hurricanes Ike and Gustav spawned dozens o...

/content/html/Articles/200812/15-183.html 类别: 美文 点击: 2062 日期: 2008-12-15
Nature: The 4 most spectacular waterfalls in the world

Photo by Wolfgang Staudt In the previous post of this waterfall series, I wrote a list of the 5 tallest waterfalls in the world. I bet some of you were surprised not to hear more famous waterfalls or to see that the ‘big boys’ are not t...

/content/html/photo/200812/10-169.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1796 日期: 2008-12-15
7 animals that lived along with your grandparents but not with you

Biology, Environmental Issues More and more animals are becoming extinct (灭绝的)each day, due to hunting, destruction of habitat (栖息地), pollution, and so on. In the past 100 years, a significant number of animals have become extinct and you w...

/content/html/photo/200812/10-168.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1778 日期: 2008-12-10
Technology: Games whip up the joy(stick) of cooking

By Mike Snider, USA TODAY The latest recipe for video-game fun: cooking.   A smorgasbord of cuisine-based games is just hitting stores. They let you slice and dice like a pro — with no cleanup afterward — and include celebrity che...

/content/html/news/200812/10-166.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1081 日期: 2008-12-10
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