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Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Ways to Stay Employed

来源:CareerBuilder 作者:Patrick Erwin 时间:2008-12-30 Tag:work   job   employment   点击: 85027

Recent news about the economy and the job market hasn't been encouraging. Companies are taking a much closer look at their operating expenses, especially their payrolls (薪水册;薪金总额).
Writer Stephen Viscusi asserts that in this atmosphere, "You must understand that your job is your most valuable asset -- and your primary objective is to protect it."
That's just part of the advice he outlines in his book "Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Simple Strategies to Ride Out the Rough Times and Come Out on Top at Work."
Viscusi's book discusses tactics for being visible, easy, useful and ready in order to keep one's job. 

 Be visible
In terms of bulletproofing (使子弹射不透;保护) your job, one of the biggest priorities is to be a visible part of the team. "The invisible guy is the first to go," Viscusi observes. "What you need to do is create a perception that makes you more visible, more notable and ultimately more valuable to your company."
Viscusi has several ideas on how "invisible" employees can increase their visibility:
- Arrive early and stay late. Let your boss see your commitment to work, rather than your clock-watching abilities.
- Pay attention to your apparel (衣服, 装饰) and your appearance. Make sure your office attire (服装) is appropriate. Take note of (注意) everything from your hair to your shoes, because everyone else in the office (including your boss) will.
- Develop an eye for the small details.
- Listen up and, when appropriate, speak up. Introduce yourself. Prepare your 30-second personal pitch (促销), or "elevator pitch," that explains who you are and what you're all about.
- Introduce yourself with eye contact and a strong handshake -- a personal, warm greeting that Viscusi calls the "Viagra handshake."

 Be easy

Being an "easy" employee doesn't mean you need to be a passive nodding machine who does your manager's bidding. What Viscusi is suggesting is that employees be easy to communicate and interact with.
Workers can take the "easy" way by keeping these ideas in mind:
- Don't gripe, especially if the issue is inconsequential. If there is a serious challenge, communicate without complaining. Stay clear of personal gossip about co-workers and managers.
- Watch what you say and how you say it at work. Neutral language doesn't matter if it's delivered with a sarcastic (讽刺的) tone.
- Avoid obvious touchy subjects (race, sex and religion) as well as the not-so-obvious (your salary). If you do talk with co-workers, Viscusi says "Discuss, don't argue."


Be useful

Every employee is expected to be useful, but as Viscusi notes, "You have to actively look for ways to do more." Exceeding expectations sometimes requires an investment of time and effort, but just as often you can impress the boss with creativity and efficiency.
Viscusi recommends these approaches to be "Mr. or Mrs. Above-and-Beyond" at work:
- Find ways to be a mentor (指导者) at work. You can reach out to new workers, as well as share your knowledge with executives and CEOs. (They'll remember you for it.)
- Be a "utility player" -- the multifaceted (多方面的) worker whom the "coach" (your boss) can pull off (赢得) the bench and put in the game when another worker is injured (or quits without notice).
- At the same time, cultivate a role as a specialist on the job (or in some of the tasks that you perform).
- Add dollar value to the company by keeping customers happy and minimizing expenses.

 Be ready

Viscusi suggests that being prepared for any outcome instills an air of confidence and calm that looks good on you. "When you're ready for anything," he says, "you behave with a certainty that you'll succeed when all is well and land on your feet if you hit a bump in the road."
Viscusi suggests that workers can make these preparations:
- Have money in the bank.
- Keep your résumé current and establish a relationship with a recruiter (招聘人员) in your field.
- Establish and enhance your network.
- Be a part of professional organizations and reach out to help the contacts in your professional circles.
- If possible, publish articles or make presentations on your specialized subject matter.
- Be aware of what your peers are doing.
- Avoid getting stuck in a rut (老一套). Continue your education, and strive to learn new skills at work.

Though Viscusi warns against indulging in personal gossip, "Company gossip is gold and can help you bulletproof your job." You can set alerts on Web sites like Technorati and Google with your company's name. He also suggests setting a Google alert with your boss's name (though these should be sent to your personal e-mail accounts).

And while you're busy building your professional networks online, see if your boss and co-workers have a profile. You can stay on top of what's happening with them, and stay informed if there are any problems or issues happening that might affect you at work.

Patrick Erwin is a writer and blogger for He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.

Last Updated: 23/11/2008 - 6:31 PM

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