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An Album of Presidents and Their Children -2

来源 作者: 时间:2009-01-09 Tag:album   president   点击: 484259


Gerald Ford
The Ford family gathers in the Oval Office on Aug. 9, 1974, the day that Gerald was sworn in as President. They are, from left: John, a future businessman; Steven, an actor (his credits include Black Hawk Down and When Harry Met Sally); First Lady Betty; President Ford; Susan, a writer and photographer (and the only presidential child whose senior prom was held at the White House); daughter-in-law Gayle; and Gayle's husband Michael, now a minister.



Jimmy Carter
Roslyn and Jimmy had four children, but their three eldest, all boys, were on their own by the time the Carters moved into the White House in 1977. It was their daughter Amy, 9 years old when her father was inaugurated(就职), who captured America's attention. Since leaving the White House, she has worked as an artist and activist.



Ronald Reagan
A 1967 photograph captures Ronald, Nancy and their two children, Patricia, 13, and Ronald Jr., 8, as they take stock of their new home, the California governor's mansion. Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journalist; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's policies. During his first marriage to Jane Wyman, Reagan fathered two children, Maureen, an actress and public servant, and Christine, who died in infancy. They also adopted Michael, who became a popular syndicated talk-show host(辛迪加脱口秀主持人).



George H.W. Bush
The first President Bush and his wife Barbara have five living children, all of whom appear in this 1986 group shot taken in front of the family's Kennebunkport, Maine, home. Neil, a businessman, is at far left in the red jacket; George W., the 43rd President, is seated third from left; Marvin, an investment banker, is in the back row in the Dodgers jacket; Dorothy, known as "Doro," is seated next to the child on the bicycle; and Jeb, the former governor of Florida, is toward the right with his children in a blue and red jacket.




Bill Clinton
Chelsea Clinton, the only child of Bill and Hillary Clinton, was 12 years old when her father was elected President. A graduate of Stanford, she has worked in consulting and investment banking. During the 2008 presidential election, she frequently appeared in her mother's campaign for President and introduced Hillary at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.



George W. Bush
Fraternal twins Jenna (seated on the stone wall) and Barbara were born minutes apart in 1981. Jenna is a graduate of the University of Texas and has authored two books; the first is a chronicle of her experiences working with UNICEF in Latin America, while the other, co-authored with her mother, is designed to encourage children to read. Barbara attended Yale (as did three generations of Bushes before her) and has worked with the Smithsonian and Cooper-Hewitt museums in New York.



Barack Obama
The Obamas' children, from left, Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10, are the youngest children to live in the White House since the Kennedy Administration. They now attend the Sidwell Friends school.

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