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2009 Ten Best Cars

来源:AOL 作者: 时间:2008-12-03 Tag:best   car   2009   photo   点击: 587591

 2. Cadillac CTS | CTS-V

Cadillac CTS | CTS-V
Last year, the redesigned CTS was the second Cadillac to win a 10Best Cars award (the first was the 1992 Seville), and this year, it's the first Caddy to become a 10Best repeater. We were impressed with its dynamics, its upscale (质优价高的) interior, the performance of its optional (可选择的) 304-hp, 3.6-liter direct-injection V-6 and the fact that it offers manual as well as automatic transmissions (传动装置). 

Cadillac CTS | CTS-V
We're still impressed. But impressed is a tame (平淡的) descriptor for our response to the V  version of this car. Overwhelmed is more like it. Like the CTS, the CTS-V is far more refined (精制的, 优雅的) in its second generation. But that's not the first thing that grabs (夺取或抓住) the driver's attention, particularly if his right foot is flat to the fire wall and he's rowing through the six forward speeds. 

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