Michelle Obama's Celebrity Crush #e#
Michelle Obama's Celebrity Crush Will Smith recently appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show to promote his new film "7 Pounds." Oprah showed him a clip of Michelle Obama saying that her celebrity crush (迷恋) is on him. Could it be the ears which mirror her husbands? (Source: Oprah Winfrey Show) Next: Children in White House
1、Obama's Favorite Gum
2、Meet the Obama Children
3、Favorite Restaurants
4、Michelle's Casual Wear
5、Barack's Fashion
6、Favorite Vacation Spot
7、Favorite Foods
8、Barack's Favorite Snacks
9、Favorite Sweets
10、Favorite Drinks
11、Barack Obama's Hobbies
12、Michelle Obama's Hobbies
13、Barack's Parents
14、Michelle's Family
15、Barack's Childhood
16、Michelle's Childhood
17、Obama's Education
19、Obama's Former Church
20、Barack's Barber
21、Barack Obama's Doctor
22、Obama's Wedding
23、Astrological Signs
24、Favorite Musicians
25、Favorite Author & Books
26、Favorite Books
27、Favorite TV Shows
28、Favorite Movies
29、Children in the White House
30、Obama Children's Birthdays
31、Obama Children Allowance