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Thousands Protest Nuclear Power in Japan

来源:VOA 作者:Martyn Williams 时间:2011-04-12 Tag:protest   Japan   nuclear   点击:



Around 3,000 people marched through central Tokyo, a large demonstration by Japanese standards(按日本的标准).

The demonstration was organized by eight civic(市民的,民间的) groups to protest the Hamaoka nuclear-power plant(核电站), which is located about 200 kilometers southwest of Tokyo in Shizuoka Prefecture(辖区). Hamaoka is built in the heart of a region that seismologists(地震学家) believe is well overdue for a massive undersea earthquake of a magnitude 8 or higher.

The disaster at Fukushima has people worried the same thing could happen again.

Demonstrator Kengo Ohmori said his faith in the safety of nuclear power has changed. Ohmori says he has always been told nuclear power was safe, but it was not until now that he realized how dangerous it can be.

Just under a third of Japan's power output(输出) in 2005 was from nuclear, making it the largest energy source for the country. Japan's Federation of Electric Power Companies anticipates(预期) that rising to almost half the energy output by 2030.

Prior to(在……之前) the Fukushima accident, the country had 54 functioning reactors. Many of those marching including Yoko Kataoka, want them all closed down. Kataoka says Japan should decommission its nuclear-power plants. She says the country is frequently hit by earthquakes and should not rely on nuclear power in the first place.

The demonstration passed the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which promotes nuclear power and regulates(调节,控制) the industry, and past the headquarters of Tokyo Electric Power, the utility company(公用事业公司) that owns the Fukushima plant.

Protesters delivered a noisy message at both locations.

As they were marching through central Tokyo, demonstrations were also taking place in a Tokyo suburb and two other cities in Japan.

Opposition to nuclear power had slowly been falling in Japan, before the recent disaster. A 2009 government poll(民意调查) found 54 percent of Japan's people were uneasy about it, down from 66 percent in 2005. The risk of accidents and earthquakes were cited as top concerns.

A new poll has not been taken since the earthquake and tsunami struck Fukushima.

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