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U.S. Prepared to Shoot Down N. Korean Missile

来源:FOX NEWS 作者: 时间:2009-02-27 Tag:missile   点击: 69193


The U.S. military is prepared to shoot down a North Korean missile or rocket if President Obama should give the order, the head of the U.S. Pacific Command said Thursday.

"If a missile leaves the launch pad(发射台) we'll be prepared to respond upon direction of the president," Adm. Timothy Keating told ABC News.

North Korea announced earlier this week that it was preparing to shoot a communication satellite(通信卫星) into orbit as part of it space program. The U.S., South Korea and other neighboring countries believe the launch may be a cover for a missile test-fire(试射), saying the action would trigger international sanctions(国际制裁).

"There's equipment moving up there that would indicate the preliminary stages of preparation for a launch," Keating said. "So I'd say it's more than less likely."

North Korea lashed out at(抨击) critics warning it not to test a long-range missile on Thursday, saying that it would punish those trying to disrupt its plan to send what it calls a satellite into orbit.

Keating said the U.S. military is ready to respond to the missile launch with at least five different systems: a naval destroyer, Aegis cruiser(神盾级巡航舰), radar system, space-based system and ground-based interceptor(地基拦截导弹), ABC News reported.

"Should it look like it's not a satellite launch — that it's something other than a satellite launch — we'll be ready to respond."

The latest harsh words from Pyongyang came as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced plans to send her new envoy(外交使节, 特使) on North Korea to meet with negotiators in Asia trying to revive stalled nuclear disarmament(裁减核武器协定,核裁军) talks.

Clinton later spoke by telephone with her South Korean counterpart, Yu Myung-hwan, to discuss the North's missile issue and informed him of her envoy's trip to Seoul, South Korea's Foreign Ministry said without elaborating.

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