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Sorry Paris, world's best museum is in China

来源:CNN 作者: 时间:2017-06-22 Tag: 点击: 465
While elbow room is undoubtedly still very scarce around Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa," the museum that houses her is no longer the No. 1 most visited museum in the world.
After four consecutive years on record as the museum world's top draw, the Louvre fell to No. 3 for attendance in the 2016 Museum Index released in June by the Themed Entertainment Association and AECOM.
The blockbuster Paris museum was edged out for the first time in the index's five-year history by the National Museum of China in Beijing. Washington's National Air and Space Museum also bested the Louvre, ranking second in attendance figures in 2016.
The top three all topped 7 million attendees; the National Museum of China saw nearly 7.6 million visitors, while 7.5 million were recorded at the National Air and Space Museum and 7.4 million visited the Louvre.


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