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Weather Jokes

来源:Reader's Digest 作者: 时间:2010-10-28 Tag:weather   joke   Fun   点击: 90418


1. According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we'll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo. So in other words, nothing is going to change.

2. Snow was falling heavily the day I decided to visit a car dealership(特许经销商). I was confident I'd get a great deal, figuring the salesmen would be desperate(极需要的) for customers on such a lousy(极坏的) day. Sure enough, when I entered the showroom, I was the only client. But my hope of getting a good deal quickly faded(凋谢) with the salesman's first words. "Boy," he said jovially, "you must want a new car real bad to come out on a day like this."

3. One day after a heavy snowfall, this announcement appeared on the bulletin board(公告牌) in the nurses lounge(休息厅) of my local hospital: "Student nurses will please refrain from ever again using this institution's sterile(消过毒的) bedpans(病人床上用的便盆) for makeshift(临时代用的物品) snow sleds."

4. When I overheard(偶然听到) one of my cashiers(出纳员) tell a customer, "We haven't had it for a while, and I doubt we'll be getting it soon," I quickly assured(使相信) the customer that we would have whatever it was she wanted by next week. After she left, I read the cashier the riot act.

"Never tell the customer that we're out of anything. Tell them we'll have it next week," I instructed her. "Now, what did she want?"


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