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Marriage Jokes

来源:Reader's Digest 作者: 时间:2010-10-26 Tag:joke   Fun   点击: 70619


Working it Out

One friend complained to another, "All my husband and I do anymore is fight. I've been so upset, I've lost 20 pounds."

"If it's that bad, why don't you just leave him?" asked the second friend.

"I'd like to lose another 15 pounds first."

Pick Me Up

I was a mess. My career as an artist was going nowhere, my horseback riding was no longer fulfilling, and in general I felt unattractive. My husband did his best to be supportive: "You're a great artist," "You're a wonderful equestrian(骑手)," "You're the most beautiful woman I know."

One day, after another bad ride, I told him my horse seemed depressed. "How do I cheer up a horse?" I asked.

He shared his secret: "Tell her she's good at stuff and that she looks beautiful."

A Wrong Answer

While doing a crossword puzzle, I asked for my husband's help.

"The word is eight letters long and starts with m, and the clue is 'tiresome(令人生厌的) sameness.'"

"Monogamy(一夫一妻制)," he answered.

For Richer and For Poorer

"When I married Donna, I could get both hands around her waist(腰部)," said my husband's grandfather. Pointing at his full-figured wife, he boasted(引以为豪地说), "Now look how much I got. That's what I call an investment!"

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