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Dress for success on next job interview

来源 作者:Laura T. Coffey 时间:2010-05-13 Tag:dress   interview   job   点击: 114024


With the economy continuing to flounder(挣扎,深陷), more and more people are finding themselves on an unexpected side of the desk: The side where the interviewee(受面试者) sits.

As if job interviews and crowded career fairs(职业招聘会) weren’t stressful enough, there’s also the anxiety of figuring out what to wear. How can you tell how dressed-up — or dressed-down — you can go?

The answer to that question will vary considerably based on the kind of job you’re seeking, but the following tips provide a basic guide for how to proceed. Read on so you can tackle(应付) those interviews with confidence.

1. Opt for(选择) a conservative(保守的) look, not an outlandish(古怪奇异的) one. Whether you’re trying for a top executive(行政的) position or a job that will require you to roll up your sleeves and get dirty, attire(服装) that is distracting(使人分心的) is a no-no. In most cases it makes sense to choose simple, understated(简朴的) styles and colors — blues and grays, for example. Black also could work, so long as you won’t be mistaken for an undertaker(殡仪业人员) or a Johnny Cash wannabe. To avoid that fate, soften up(软化) your look by wearing another color near your face.

2. When in doubt, ask. If you’re honestly not sure what kind of dress would be most appropriate for an interview with a particular employer, call the company and ask for some guidance(指导). Don’t bother the hiring manager with this; instead, call the human resources department(人力资源部) and say, “I have an interview with So-and-So in the Such-and-Such department for a position as a _____. Could you let me know what would be appropriate dress for this interview?”

3. Dress for the job you really want. Some hiring managers recommend dressing one or two levels up from the position you’re seeking. The point behind this would be to show that you’re a serious job candidate who cares about making a good impression.

4. Accessorize(穿戴配件) with great care. This isn’t the time to go with wild nail polish, jangle-y jewelry, face jewelry, ankle bracelets, strong perfumes or colognes(古龙水), brightly colored or printed purses or briefcases, scuffed briefcases, open-toed shoes, backless shoes or bare legs. All of your accessories should be understated, inconspicuous(不显眼的) and professional.

5. Cleanliness is next to employability. Clean, pressed clothes are important, of course, but here are some other key areas to remember: Have clean, polished shoes in good repair, clean, groomed hair and fingernails, well-brushed teeth, fresh breath and absolutely no body odor(体臭).

注:Johnny Cash是美国传奇乡村歌手,wannabe意为“某人的追随者”。

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