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Apple pulls New York Times app from China app store

来源:BBC 作者: 时间:2017-01-05 Tag: 点击:


Apple has withdrawn the New York Times from its China App Store, following a request from Chinese authorities.

The paper said the move was aimed at preventing readers in China "from accessing independent news coverage".

Apple said they had been informed the app violated Chinese regulations but did not say what rules had been broken.

Western media have long been facing difficulties making their content available in China with many outlets frequently or permanently blocked.

According to the New York Times, Apple removed both the English-language and Chinese-language apps from the App Store in China on 23 December.

The paper cited an Apple spokesperson as saying the firm had been "informed that the app is in violation of local regulations" which meant it had to be taken down.

"When this situation changes, the app store will once again offer the New York Times app for download in China," the spokesman said.

The New York Times said they had asked Apple to reconsider the decision.

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