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New York City: At least 29 wounded in 'intentional' explosion

来源:BBC 作者: 时间:2016-09-18 Tag: 点击:


At least 29 people have been injured in an explosion in a crowded district of New York City.

The cause of the blast late on Saturday in Chelsea remains unclear. Mayor Bill de Blasio described it as "intentional" but said that there were no known links to terror.

The force of the blast blew out windows and could be heard several blocks away.

Another device, reportedly a pressure cooker rigged with wires, was later found in the same district.

None of the injuries is life-threatening but one is serious, New York's fire commissioner said.

Most of those hurt suffered cuts and other minor injuries from glass and other debris.

The explosion occurred around 21:00 (01:00 GMT on Sunday). Witnesses said people ran in all directions following the "incredibly loud" blast.

Unconfirmed reports said the blast went off in a dustbin. Several blocks have been closed down by police.

"The initial indications is this was an intentional act," Mr de Blasio said.

But he added: "We also want to be upfront saying that there is no evidence at this point of a terror connection to this incident."

Law enforcement officials said that the device found at the second Chelsea location appeared to be a pressure cooker attached to wiring and a mobile phone. Police said it had been removed safely.

Chelsea is among the most fashionable districts of Manhattan and its bars and restaurants are usually crowded at the weekend.

Those in the area described being rocked by the explosion.

"It was an extremely loud noise, everything was shaking, the windows were shaking, it was crazy,'' said Rudy Alcide, a bouncer at a nightclub nearby.

Another local, David McKay, said New Yorkers would remain defiant.

"The city's built upon grit and whoever perpetrated this act of lunacy I would say that their message would fall on very deaf ears."

President Barack Obama is being kept up to date on the investigation, a White House official said.

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