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Would You Tip A Flight Attendant?

来源:ABCNews 作者: 时间:2013-09-23 Tag: 点击:

Tipping fight attendants isn't usually expected, but is it taboo?


They serve meals, bring extra blankets, assist with cumbersome() bags and sometimes even babysit small children. But do services provided by flight attendants merit(值得;应受到) tipping? The question is a divisive(造成不和的;引起分歧的;制造争端的) one.

A recent column on Business Insider posited(假定;假设) that due to the many responsibilities juggled(尽力同时应付;尽量兼顾) by members of the cabin crew, expressing appreciation of flight attendants in the form of a few extra bills is understandable.

"Your flight attendant is busy," wrote Caroline Costello in SmarterTravel. "He's running up and down serving drinks, comforting children, disarming[消除(某人)的怒气(或不满、批评等)] disgruntled(恼火的;不满的;不高兴的) passengers. Arguably the fastest and easiest way to communicate some appreciation is to hand him a gratuity(小费;赏钱) on the way off the plane."

But etiquette experts say the practice is inappropriate.

"Flight attendants are not in the group of people that we tip," Lizzie Post, Emily Post's great-great-granddaughter and author on modern etiquette advice, told ABC News. "Even when you're in the process of a transaction, buying beer or wine or alcohol, snacks or headsets, there is no reason to tip. It's not appropriate to the situation."

Airlines contacted did not immediately respond to ABC News' requests for comment on company policies toward tipping. But most job descriptions listed for flight attendants state that the attendants' primary responsibility is to maintain passenger safety, a role not generally tipped in other fields. Flight attendants also earn livable wages. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed the median salary of flight attendants in 2013 as $37,740.

Even if a customer feels he or she has received phenomenal(非凡的;不寻常的;惊人的) service while flying, Post recommends against reaching inside one's wallet.

"Rather than tip them -- and I'm sorry to all of the flight attendants out there who would like to be tipped! -- I think the best thing you could do would be to write a good review: Remember your flight number, take down the name of the flight attendant and write to the airline to let them know they have a great employee," said Post.

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