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Week After Mubarak's Resignation

来源:VOA 作者: 时间:2011-02-21 Tag:Egypt   revolution   点击:



Egyptians packed(挤满人的) Tahrir Square yet again to listen to popular cleric(牧师) Yusuf Qaradawi, one week after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned(辞职).

Sheikh Qaradawi led prayers(祈祷文) honoring those who died or went missing during the 18 days of protests. He praised the military, which has promised to safeguard a peaceful transition, and called for the prompt release all political prisoners. He also called on all Egyptians to demonstrate(显示) patience.

This man says there's unity(同心协力) in the square. "We have seen different types and different religions and different ages and different ideologies(思想体系) who are united right here in this square."

And for one woman in the crowd - optimism(乐观). "I think things have been going smooth so far, and people trust the military. They trust them, and I'm sure it's going to be a smooth process, not just during the coming few days but during the coming months."

Some in the crowd wore tags with the colors of the nation's flag and photos of those who died. Others' patriotism(爱国精神) showed on their faces.

This woman took in the joyful atmosphere(氛围) with her children. "Just to celebrate with everyone, because the kids didn't have a chance to come within those hard days, so I wanted them to celebrate and enjoy."

She said her children followed the revolution on the Internet and Facebook.

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