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Archeologists in Egypt Uncover Ancient Tomb

来源:VOA 作者:Susan Yackee 时间:2010-10-20 Tag:archeologist   tomb   Egypt   点击:



Egyptian authorities say archeologists(考古学家) have found an ancient tomb that suggests another necropolis(大墓地) is yet to be discovered near the Great Pyramids of Giza. The burial chamber is that of a high priest from the Old Kingdom period, whose job it was to maintain the mortuary(死亡的) cult(祭礼) of the pharaoh(法老) Khafra. I spoke with our Middle East correspondent(通讯员,记者) Elizabeth Arrott in Cairo and asked her about the importance of the discovery..

Arrott: Oh hi, Susan. First, it turns out it’s a very beautiful tomb. It’s carved right into the cliff face of the Giza plateau, and leading up to it, there’s a series of limestone(石灰岩) tunnels(隧道) – what the archeologists are describing as almost like a maze(迷宫) to get to the burial chamber. Inside there’re some very well preserved paintings, detailed works showing daily life of the time.

The other thing that has the teams very excited is the idea this may be just the tip of a necropolis – or burial ground – that they didn’t know about before.

Of course, this is near what’s arguably(可论证地) the world’s most famous tribute to the dead – the Great Pyramids, and in recent years they’ve made some wonderful discoveries around it, including a village for the builders of the Pyramids, and evidence suggests they weren’t slaves, as most people had thought, but rather but a highly organized, obviously, group of paid laborers that built the pyramids.

Yackee: Can you tell us about the man whose tomb they discovered?

Arrott: His name is Rudj Ka and he had a number of positions in the royal court. His main job, it seems, is that he was purification(净化) priest for the king Khafra. He’s the Old Kingdom ruler who has the second biggest pyramid at Giza – actually it’s the one that looks the highest, it isn’t, it’s just that it’s built on a slight elevation.

Rudj Ka probably lived many years after Khafra, and he would have been responsible to keep up all the rites(仪式) and rituals(典礼) tied to the cult of Khafra in the afterlife. These kind of positions were thought out well beforehand – rulers would set up endowments(捐赠的财物等) to make sure they continued to be properly worshipped well beyond their time on earth.

Yackee: You mentioned paintings in the walls of the tomb. What do they show?

Arrott: I think one of the things they show is that being a priest in Old Kingdom Egypt was probably a pretty nice job to have. You see Rudj Ka hunting and fishing and out on boats in the marshes(沼泽地). There are also paintings of him and his wife and they seem to be a rather attractive couple. You see them in front of an offering table full of all sorts of gifts -- cows and geese and bread.

So these paintings and the construction of the tomb itself -- these are all the kind of details that help archeologists and historians fill out the amazing complexities of Egyptian life some 4000 years ago.

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