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When Your Surgeon is a Robot

来源:VOA 作者: 时间:2010-08-11 Tag:robot   surgery   health   点击:



Doctors routinely(例行公事地) use robotic devices to ____1____ (协助) them during surgery(外科手术). But what if there were no longer doctors sitting at the controls of these machines?

It could happen. Researchers are ____2____ (研发) the use of robots with artificial intelligence(人工智能) to perform routine medical procedures.

Needle biopsies(针吸活检) are often used to ____3____ (诊断) various types of cancer preventing unnecessary surgery if the tissue is deemed(被认为) benign(良性的).

During this procedure, the doctor inserts(插入) a hollow needle into the tissue(组织), obtaining a ____4____ (样本) of the suspect cells.

But researchers at Duke University say that computer imaging technology ____5____ (与……结合) robotic artificial intelligence, or AI, may soon free doctors from having to perform this routine procedure.

"So we first tried to simulate a breast tumor(肿瘤) biopsy(活体检视). So we make an image of a turkey breast, and inside that turkey breast we made a simulated(伪装的,模拟的) tumor by inserting a grape into the turkey breast."

Stephen Smith is a professor of biomedical engineering(生物医学工程), radiology(放射线学) and medical physics at the North Carolina school. He says experiments with the AI system have shown that it can ____6____ (准确地) manage these simple surgical procedures.

"So then we make a 3D ultrasound(超声波) image of that turkey breast. And we then send the image to a computer, and the computer has artificial intelligence, so it finds the center of the tumor and the computer then tells the robot where to insert the needle."

Smith says that this system can ____7____ (设置) and obtain a biopsy within two millimeters(毫米) of the center of these simulated tumors. The system can also be ____8____ (适用于) to obtain evenly spaced(均匀间隔的) samples across the entire tissue. This procedure is important for diagnosing diseases like prostate(前列腺) cancer, where specific elevated ____9____ (蛋白质) levels without the presence of a tumor can warrant(保证) a biopsy.







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