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Cameron takes over as Britain's PM

来源: 作者: 时间:2010-05-12 Tag:politics   Britain   点击:


updated 8:50 p.m. ET May 11, 2010
LONDON - David Cameron, the youthful leader who modernized the party of right-wing(右翼的) icon(偶像) Margaret Thatcher, became prime minister Thursday after the resignation(辞职) of Gordon Brown — capping a gripping election saga that returns the Tories(英国保守党员) to government after 13 years of Labour Party(工党) rule.

Following tradition, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Cameron at Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫) — a stately(庄严的) denouement(结局) to a behind-the-scenes(幕后的) dogfight(缠斗) between Cameron and Brown for the cooperation(合作) of Britain's third-place party, after an election that left no party with a majority.

Within minutes, the 43-year-old Cameron was installed at No. 10 Downing Street, becoming the youngest prime minister in almost 200 years, since Lord Liverpool took office at age 42.

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