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Americans less stressed about debt, poll shows

来源:MSN News 作者: 时间:2009-07-14 Tag:debt   American   stress   点击:

Positive thinking and frugal (节俭的) ways contributing to increased confidence

updated 5:30 p.m. ET July 13, 2009
WASHINGTON - Unemployment is rising. Nest eggs (为养老、应变等用的储蓄) are in tatters (崩溃,毁坏). Home values have tanked. And yet surprisingly, Americans are feeling less stress from debt these days.

Chalk it up (记账,归功于) to the power of positive thinking combined with people saving more, spending less and trimming debt to cope with the recession.

The upshot (结果) is that more people are optimistic (乐观的) that they’ll eventually be able to get out from under a mountain of bills, a major factor behind the decline (下降) in stress from last year, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll (民意调查).

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