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What Do the Planets' Names Mean?

来源: 作者: 时间:2010-11-17 Tag:planet   solar   universe   点击: 150804


Almost all the English names of the solar system come from the names of gods in either Greek or Roman mythology(神话).

Mercury(水星) is named after the Roman god of travel, because it appears to move so quickly across the sky.

Venus(金星) was the Roman name for the goddess of love. This planet was considered to be the most beautiful star in the sky.

Earth(地球) comes from the Greek word “eraze,” which means “on the ground.”

Mars(火星) was named by the Romans after their god of war, because of its red, bloodlike color.

Jupiter(木星) is the largest planet of the family. It was named after the most important god in Roman mythology.

Saturn(土星) was the Roman name for the god of farming, the father of Jupiter.

Uranus(天王星) was named after the Greek god of the sky.

Neptune(海王星), a blue planet, was named after the Roman god of the sea.

Because Pluto(冥王星) is far away and hard to observe, it was named after the Roman god of the underworld, who was able to make himself invisible.

There is a good way to remember the order of the planets. It is to make up a memorable phrase in which each word begins with the first letter of the planets’ names.

Here is an example: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.

Since Pluto is off the list of planet now, you need to remember the updated version: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nuts.

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