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5 Ideas for Dates with Friends

来源:Reader's Digest 作者:Liz Kennedy 时间:2010-10-19 Tag:friends   date   relation   点击: 112081

Spend time with friends without spending a lot of money.

I love my friends and I love going out to eat. So it's only natural that when I want to get together with someone I usually suggest we meet for dinner… or lunch, or breakfast, or brunch, or ice cream. But lately I've noticed that my dates with friends have been adding up on my credit card bill and my waistline(腰围). In an effort to save money and calories(卡路里) I've come up with five ideas for cheap and diet-friendly friend dates.

1. Meet for a walk or jog.
You won't believe how much faster 3 miles goes by when you are discussing the latest gossip or Gossip Girl.

2. Clothes Swap
You know you've got clothes in the back of your closet that you don't wear anymore and you know your friends do to. Host a clothes swap(交换) party at your house and you could end up with a brand new wardrobe(衣橱,全部服装) without spending a dime(十分铸币)!

3. Gym Class
You'll get your sweat on and maybe even a few laughs watching your friend attempt to do a push-up(俯卧撑).

4. Apple Picking or Farmer's Market
Catch up while you fill your basket then take the apples back to your house and bake a healthy apple crisp(松脆物,这里指烤苹果片) together.

5. Game Night
Some of the best evenings I've had were when my girl friends and I have gotten together for a night of games and good wine. Whether it's charades(猜字游戏) , Catch Phrase , Taboo, or Twister, game night is always a blast.

What are your fun ideas for dates with friends? Share your tips with us!

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