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Psst—you looking for ...
作者:发表于:2020-11-27 14:17:43 点击:303 查阅全文...
The untranslatable word for overeating
  In Georgia, known for its epic feasts and toasts, people often experience shemomechama, an untranslatable word for when you are full but you continue eating anyway....
作者:发表于:2020-11-25 14:34:43 点击:367 查阅全文...
Could you pass the cranberr—
作者:发表于:2020-11-24 14:21:55 点击:274 查阅全文...
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world ...
作者:发表于:2020-11-19 10:55:59 点击:301 查阅全文...
Grandma, why are all of your photos from 2020 screenshots?
作者:发表于:2020-11-18 10:37:17 点击:304 查阅全文...
I thought working from Hell would be temporary.
作者:发表于:2020-11-16 13:34:58 点击:312 查阅全文...
When I said, 'There's no place like home,' ...
作者:发表于:2020-11-12 10:31:19 点击:328 查阅全文...
Five Stages of Loss
作者:发表于:2020-11-11 13:43:21 点击:296 查阅全文...